Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Pro-Choice believes that a woman’s decision on abortion should not be interfered by the government, and that she should be allowed to have an abortion in all cases. Robinson (2010) states that most people who belong to the pro-choice groups;

“base their stance on the belief that human life becomes a human person at some time after conception -- perhaps when the embryo's heart starts beating, or when the fetus first looks human, or it becomes sentient, or it has half emerged from its mother's body, or is born, or is severed from its mother and is functioning independently.”

This site discusses reasons why women go through abortions, one reason being that they have no moral or financial support from anyone close to them. Discussing that there’s a need for more specialists in health clinics who can give help to those seeking the process of abortion.

The women of the world need help! This year’s G8 Meeting, have come to a conclusion that there is a need for more skilled health workers who are able to deliver critical obstetric care & reducing the amount of maternal deaths in the developing world. This article talks about what can happen this year if we work together and lend a hand to those in need, and that women around the world have the right to access safe & legal abortion.

1 comment:

  1. personally im all for Pro-Choice since I have no objections to abortion. Its a personal and private matter that doesnt need the interference of others or a legal system to justify their reasons.
