Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The supporters of life believe that abortion is murder! Governments should stop a woman’s determination to go through the process of abortion in some, a few, countless, or all cases and bid that she continues her pregnancy till child birth. Robinson (2010) states that human life begins during the process of conception and that

“A human pre-embryo, embryo and fetus are all persons entitled to fundamental human rights, including the most basic right: to be allowed to live. The lives of two humans are being considered here: that of the woman and her life and the pre-embryo, embryo, or fetus.”

Since the legalisation of abortion, there have been many researches on the after effects of abortion on women, two long term damages were found, thus being; Physiological and Psychological effects. 

Pro-Choice groups say that women should have access to legal and safe abortions. Abortions have harsh after effects on the mother as mentioned in the previous link, 27% of women who’ve had abortions suffer infertility or future complications, even death. Is this ‘safe’?

Here you can read about thousands of students around the world who are against abortion in which they lose their voice for one day for those who will never have one.

1 comment:

  1. Despite my personal preferences you supply a persuasive argument for Pro-Choice, I actually didnt realise how bad the after effects of an abortion could be.

    informative , and helpful links. (:
